Friday, March 23, 2012

Back to the Kitchen

Alright...too much time has passed since I have made my way into the kitchen...not sure what I have been avoiding, but I am ready to get back to cooking. After eating out a bit more than necessary, I realized how hard it still is, even with all the information and knowledge that now exists regarding GLUTEN.

On too many occasions restaurants seem to believe that Gluten Free meant I could not eat ANY starch including potatoes and rice. This is NOT true! So here I am back to cooking to continue my research of the best products and recipes utilizing the most efficient use of my time and money.

My goal this week is to find the best GF PANCAKES. An essential part of a nice weekend breakfast. I will be experimenting with 4-5 pancake mixes to see what product comes out on top! Pamela's, Bob's and Bisquick are just a few that I will be testing and analyzing!

By next week I will have a full report along with another project for myself to hopefully help guide the average GF lover of food!



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