Monday, August 15, 2011

Who Likes Sausage??

Ok, get your mind out of the gutter...I am talking about the amazing and tasty food item we so often include while cooking breakfast, making pasta salads or just grilling for a game! This is also one item that was taken out of my realm when I had to go Gluten Free. Why?? As we know many sausages contain fillers...guess what these fillers are made with...GLUTEN!!

When first changing my diet to remove Gluten I thought, great, no more great pasta dishes or rolls with my meals, no more sandwich's...basically no more satisfaction when I eat! Choices were limited and I thought it couldn't get worse until I discovered even more things that contain the Gluten in hidden places!! Such as...ketchup, soy sauce, rice krispies, even things like Shampoo with wheat protein, or sunscreens and lotions! I really felt like I was on a spirally downward cycle where I would be left with an apple or lettuce and that was NO FUN!!

Well, I am here to relieve you of this feeling...there are SOOO many great options now and luckily it is easier to identify if wheat or gluten is in most anything these days! There are GF soy sauces...although I prefer Bragg Liquid Amino (a soy sauce alternative). This is great to cook with, add to rice or sushi, or even as a dressing! There are also GF ketchup's! Hunt's Natural is my favorite. Now, I am even more excited to tell you about the amazing Italian style Sausage I discovered and cooked the other day while making an alternative to Eggs Benedict!

My meal consisted of:
 2 poached eggs
Hollandaise - I make it with 2 egg yolks, I can't believe it's not butter, and fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 yellow pepper, 1 tomato and a few scallions - I chopped and sauteed them up with a little coconut oil
1 All Natural aidells Italian Style with Mozzarella Cheese Smoked Chicken Sausage
-Cook it all up and throw it all together to make an amazing eggs benedict delight!

The product I would like to mention today, as you would have guessed, is:
PRODUCT: Sausage
BRAND: All Natural aidells Italian Style with Mozzarella Cheese Smoked Chicken Sausage
PRICE: $6.49 (Krogers)
OUTCOME: They only took 8 minutes to cook and turned out amazing! I cut it up and added it with the sauteed veggies and poached eggs. I will definitely buy these again! One link is only 170 calories with 14 grams of protein! There are other kinds but the Italian Style with Mozz Cheese is all I have tried to date.

Let me know your thoughts! Hopefully these products are helping you narrow your choices when shopping and saving a little money from experimenting! :)

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